(302) 762-2050
Guide to Services
2017-2018 Guide to Services for Older Delawareans and Persons with Disabilities - This comprehensive guide, provided by the Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DAAPD), includes information about the services available for those living in Delaware and who are older persons or persons with disabilities.
Center Closings
Listen to WDEL (11:50 AM) or visit www.wdel.com for center cancellations or closings due to bad weather. Listen for Sellers Senior Center to be announced. This will give you accurate information about the center.
Available in Office
DE Durable Power of Attorney: Medical and Financial.
DE Health Care Directive: "Living Will."
Five Wishes: Fives Wishes is a legal document that lets adults plan how they want to be cared for in case of a serious illness. Cost: $1.
Golden Club: Free admission to all Brandywine School District sponsored Activities.
Handicapped parking: Placard application.
Paratransit: Tickets are now available in the main office for $10 per strip. ID required. Applications available.
SCAT: Half price taxi tickets. You can purchase $10 worth of tickets for $5.00. ID required. Applications available.
School Tax Credit: Senior deduction in taxes (form).
Senior Roll Call: This daily telephone service provides added comfort and security that you may need to maintain your independence.
Senior Legal Hotline: Available for Delawareans who are age 60+. The hotline hours are 9:00AM - 4:30PM, Monday - Thursday. Seniors receive free legal advice on a variety of issues. For more information , call 302-478-8850.
Vial for Life: Lifesaving information for emergencies.